How has the coronavirus crisis affected your family's need for paid leave?

Thank you for joining working people across the country to demand paid leave.

This pandemic has shown that we need to be able to access paid leave to take care of ourselves or a loved one without losing our livelihoods. Paid leave is essential for all working people and you can make a huge impact by sharing your paid leave experience. 

Will you take a moment and share your story? Some things to think about: 

  • Why is paid leave important to you? 

  • How has paid leave (or lack thereof), affected your family? 

  • Is there a situation where you needed medical care, or you needed to provide caregiving for a loved one? What was that experience like? 

  • Has there been a time you needed paid leave, but didn’t have access to paid leave? How did that impact you? 

Please share your story below: