Thank you for adding your name to Jessica’s petition. Now we need you to spread the word on Twitter and Instagram using #DGAParenthoodPenalty.
Use the hashtag #DGAParenthoodPenalty to flood social media with support for paid leave for DGA members.
Current @directorsguild policy penalizes new parents when they take time off to welcome a child. @jessicadimmock is fighting to overturn that & make Hollywood more equitable. SIGN THE PETITION TO THE DGA ➡️ #DGAParenthoodPenalty #DGAAwards via @PaidLeaveUS
Save the images and copy and paste the post into your Instagram feed or story.
Current Directors Guild of America policy penalizes new parents and cuts them off from crucial benefits when they need them most. Jessica Dimmock, a director, experienced this directly when she lost her health care after giving birth. Tell DGA to overturn this rule and make Hollywood a more equitable place for women. SIGN THE PETITION TO THE DGA ➡️ #DGAParenthoodPenalty #DGAAwards #parenting #paidfamilyleave #representationmatters via @paidleaveus