Sept 9, 2021

The House Ways and Means Committee just concluded its mark-up session of the paid family and medical leave component of the Build Back Better budget reconciliation legislation.

The following is a statement from Molly Day, Paid Leave for the U.S. (PL+US) Executive Director, following today’s historic step towards the passage of national paid leave:

“Today is a landmark day in the decades-long fight to pass paid family and medical leave.  

“Thanks to Chairman Richie Neal’s leadership, the House Ways and Means Committee is moving forward with a bold plan for 12 weeks of comprehensive paid family and medical leave as part of the Build Back Better reconciliation package.

“While the fight won’t be over until the legislation makes it onto President Biden’s desk, our country is now one step closer to passing a historic paid leave policy that will strengthen our families, our businesses, and our country’s long-term economic growth.

“As today’s hearing made clear, this is the moment to pass paid leave and we remain committed to making sure they seize it.” -- Molly Day, Executive Director, Paid Leave for the U.S. (PL+US)