Statement from PL+US Executive Director Molly Day on the PL+US campaign sunsetting with enormous pride, sincere gratitude and optimism for the future of paid family and medical leave:
June 9, 2022
Statement from Molly Day:
“PL+US was founded in 2016 as a time-bound campaign to win federal paid family and medical leave for every working person in the U.S. by 2022. It was a bold and ambitious vision to win transformative public policy with a campaign-style time horizon and approach.
Thanks to this community and your partnership, we got incredibly close to achieving our north star. We helped win paid leave for 8.5 million people at some of the largest employers in the U.S., creating a tectonic shift in the private sector; we built a loud and inclusive national conversation that centered the voices of millions of working people and permanently altered the national conversation around families and caregiving in this country; and for the first time in history, we advanced comprehensive paid leave through the House of Representatives, pushing federal policy farther than it has ever been before. This historic milestone stands as a testament to years of hard work and coordination across our movement. Together, we created a tipping point, making it not a question of if but when the U.S. will pass paid family and medical leave.
It is with enormous pride and optimism for the future that we say goodbye to the PL+US campaign as we know it today and join forces with other dynamic and impactful organizations continuing the fight for paid leave. Partner organizations include Campaign for a Family Friendly Economy (CFFE), JUST Capital, Main Street Alliance, Paid Leave for All, Parents Together and The Marshall Plan for Moms. We are confident these partners will carry forward paid leave advocacy across the political, business, grassroots and legislative arenas in the years to come and help bring a national win across the finish line.
Finally, we would like to thank our steadfast community of supporters and partners, extraordinary staff and board, and most of all, you – our inspiring paid leave advocates. By sharing your stories, you reminded us daily of the importance of this fight: to ensure that every one of us can be there to give and receive care in the moments that matter most. While the PL+US campaign is coming to an end, our story will live on through our Lessons Learned report and the incredible partners who will carry forward the fight with clear eyed commitment, heart and dedication.”