Q: When will the next workshop begin?
A: The next workshop will convene in late October and run through mid-December.

Q: Is there any cost to participate?
  A: No, the workshop is absolutely free.

Q: Where is the training located?
A: The entire training will be virtual -- so you’ll be able to join us from wherever you are. You’ll need a computer or phone to join the training meetings.

Q: How long is the workshop? How often will it meet?
A: The workshop will meet online four times, every other week for a one hour meetup, over an eight week period. 

Q: Do I need access to any specially technology to participate online?
A: We'll be using Facebook Groups and Zoom video. Click here for Zoom's technology requirements. If you are unable to join by video, you’ll be able to dial-in by phone instead.

Q: Who are the trainers?
A: The training will be led by PL+US staff. We’ll also include guest speakers from our group of experienced coaches who have succeeded at winning policy change at their own companies. Meet some of the coaches who will be supporting the program.

Q: What if I work at a teeny tiny company? What if I work at a huge, global company?
A: This workshop is designed for people working at all different sized companies. We have designed the materials and resources to be useful for lots of different companies, big and small.

Q: What resources and help will I get?
A: You’ll receive training materials that include a step-by-step guide to winning policy change in your company, a template proposal that you’ll customize to present your case, sample stories to collect and a sample slide pitch deck. You’ll also receive support from trainers and participants through video discussion and a private  Facebook group. If you need additional support to develop your company’s policy, our HR advisors and coaches will be available for one-on-one coaching support.

Q: Will my name and employer be kept confidential?
A: Yes, and you can decide how much information you’d like to share with the group.

Q: What if my company already has paid family leave policy but it’s not very good?
Some employees have worked to expand their company’s paid family policy to be more generous with time or more inclusive to all employees. The same tools that we’ll be offering in the workshop will be useful regardless of whether you’re working to create a brand new policy or working to improve an existing one.

Q: Can I sign up if I’m not in the U.S.?
This workshop is designed for U.S.-based companies.